Welcome tO mY noT-aNnoYiNG wEBsIte tHAt hAs VEry gOoD sppelllinG.

Type in the word "here".

Gud luk reeding dis.

Can you raed this? Olny ffity-fvie out of one-hreddund ppeoele can raed this. Yuor barin can slitl raed tihs eevn if the mdidle lrtetes are mxeid up. Are you one of the fitfy-fvie? (Note: This is a true fact)

Reed this carefuly since there is something important here:

Dere is actually nuthing here. Your just waesting you're time trying to raed this tiny text. Blah blah.... Nuthing else to say... I just waestid fiive 2nds of you're life. whY ar yu stil raeding? Thair is seereeisly nuthing heer. yOU shud stopp now....
Aren't you're eyes tired? Mine are. For those of you who know what it is, you just lost The Game.

Look at these cool pictures that will show up!!!
Cool picture
Cool picture
Cool picture

I don't remember having short-term memory.

Click here to go to another fun website. It IS a link after all.

Click here to go to another fun website. No guarantees or anything.

Click here!

Click here!

Click here!


An idiot will read this over and over again. P.S., if you want to get the real meaning of this, read from the beginning.


Message ahead
...so scroll down very very fast.

This is the message. I bet you're thinking: So...what now?

You passed it...